Title: Yuvix Pharm’s “NASH Lecithin”: Sunflower Lecithin Capsules (90 Count) – Support Liver, Brain, & Overall Health
Optimized Description
Sunflower lecithin, a complex lipid crucial for healthy cell membranes, is the foundation of your body’s structure. Comprising 50% of your liver, 30% of brain tissue, and 17% of peripheral nerves, lecithin is essential for repairing damaged cells and maintaining optimal health. While your body produces lecithin, it often falls short of what’s needed. Yuvix Pharm’s “NASH Lecithin” (90 capsules) supplements this vital nutrient, supporting various bodily functions:
Benefits of NASH Lecithin:
- Liver Support: Repairs liver damage from alcohol, antibiotics, and environmental toxins.
- Weight Management: Contributes to healthy weight management.
- Cardiovascular Health: Helps cleanse blood vessels and dissolve cholesterol plaques.
- Immune System Booster: Strengthens your immune response.
- Respiratory Health: Alleviates symptoms of bronchopulmonary diseases.
- Metabolism Support: Improves metabolic processes.
- Reproductive Health: Supports preparation for pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- Skin, Hair & Nail Health: Improves the condition of skin, hair, and nails.
- Sleep Improvement: Promotes restful sleep.
- Stress & Fatigue Relief: Restores energy after physical exertion and stress.
- Cognitive Function: Enhances mental clarity and cognitive function.
- Digestive Health: Improves digestion and nutrient absorption.
- Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: Aids in the absorption of medications and vitamin-mineral complexes.
- Cellular Regeneration: Promotes the repair and regeneration of cells throughout the body.
Ideal for:
- Post-illness recovery (flu, colds, etc.)
- Post-stroke and post-heart attack recovery
- Supporting overall health and well-being
- Individuals seeking to improve liver health, brain function and cardiovascular health.
Product Details:
- 90 capsules per bottle – one month supply
- Made in Russia by Yuvix Pharm
- A dietary supplement, not a medicine
Keywords: Sunflower lecithin, lecithin capsules, Yuvix Pharm, NASH Lecithin, liver support, brain health, cholesterol, cardiovascular health, immune support, weight management, dietary supplement, cell repair, cognitive function, pregnancy, breastfeeding, post-illness recovery, post-stroke recovery, post-heart attack recovery, Russian supplement, health supplement, 90 capsules.