Title: Sulcin 150ml Selenium Sulfide Anti-Dandruff Shampoo for Oily Hair
Effectively combat dandruff and oily scalp with Sulcin Anti-Dandruff Shampoo. This 150ml formula features a powerful two-component system: 1% Selenium Sulfide and 1% Saw Palmetto extract. Selenium Sulfide targets the root cause of dandruff by providing fungicidal action against yeast, promoting healthy scalp cell renewal. Saw Palmetto extract controls excess oil production, normalizes sebaceous gland activity, and soothes itching and irritation.
This SLS, paraben, and silicone-free shampoo is ideal for oily hair prone to dandruff and recurring issues. For best results, apply twice: the first wash removes excess oil and dandruff, while the second allows deeper penetration of active ingredients. Experience a cleaner, healthier scalp and visibly less dandruff with Sulcin.