Title: Edible Strawberry & Strawberry Lubricant – 1000ml Water-Based Intimate Gel
Description: Experience heightened intimacy with our delicious, edible strawberry & strawberry flavored lubricant. This 1000ml water-based intimate gel is designed to enhance pleasure for both men and women. Perfect for sensual exploration, our lubricant is safe, silky smooth, and easily washes away with water. Enjoy a naturally exciting experience.
Keywords: edible lubricant, water-based lubricant, intimate gel, sex lubricant, anal lubricant, strawberry lubricant, couple’s lubricant, edible intimate lubricant, arousing lubricant, women’s lubricant, men’s lubricant, 1000ml lubricant, large lubricant bottle, couple’s intimacy, sexual enhancement, sensual pleasure, body-safe lubricant.