Title: Strawberry-Scented Red Condoms (10 Pack)
Enhanced Description
Indulge in the sensual experience of Softex® Colour condoms, a premium 10-pack of classic-shaped, red condoms infused with a delicate strawberry scent. These condoms are crafted from high-quality natural latex, manufactured to exacting European standards. Their electronically tested hypoallergenic design ensures both pleasure and safety.
The subtle strawberry aroma adds a touch of playful excitement to intimate moments without overpowering the natural sensation. Enjoy the smooth, comfortable feel with precise dimensions: a minimum length of 180mm, a width of 53±2mm, and a wall thickness of just 0.07mm.
Softex® Colour condoms offer the perfect combination of classic design and sensual enhancement. But our range doesn’t stop there! Explore our extensive selection of condoms including ribbed, textured, and larger sizes, all designed to enhance intimacy and satisfaction.
Bulk discounts are available: Purchase larger packs (3, 10, 40, or 80 condoms) and save up to 20%!