Title: Sterilization Pouches – 100x200mm, 200 Count (2 Packs) – Medical Grade Kraft Paper
Description: These high-demand, cost-effective sterilization pouches are a staple in the beauty industry. Crafted from medical-grade kraft paper, these versatile pouches are suitable for all sterilization methods: steam, dry heat, gas, and radiation. However, they are particularly well-suited for dry heat sterilization. Class 1 indicators clearly change color upon successful sterilization, providing visual confirmation of the process. The superior barrier properties of the kraft paper prevent microbial contamination, ensuring sterility. These pouches fully comply with GOST ISO 11607-1-2018 and EN 868 series standards. Package includes 2 packs of 100 pouches each (total 200 pouches). 100x200mm dimensions.