Title: Sterile Medical Gauze Pads (20 Pack) – New Life Brand – 2-Ply, 16x14cm
New Life sterile gauze pads offer reliable protection and hygiene for various medical applications. These individually wrapped, 2-ply pads measure 16x14cm and boast a density of 30g/m². Made from high-quality, bleached cotton gauze, they provide gentle yet effective absorption and wound protection.
Ideal for:
- Wound dressing and treatment
- Minor bleeding control (pressure dressing)
- Preventing tissue edema
- Protecting wounds from environmental contamination
- Surgical procedures
- Use with injections (as sterile wipes)
- Draining wounds
Each pad’s edges are folded inward for enhanced safety. The 20-pad pack is perfect for home use, medical facilities, or first-aid kits. Complement your supplies with our range of medical bandages and gauze rolls for customized wound care.
Key Features:
- Sterile: Ensures a clean and safe environment.
- Material: 100% bleached cotton gauze.
- Size: 16 x 14 cm
- Layers: 2
- Density: 30 g/m²
- Quantity: 20 individually wrapped pads
- Manufacturer’s Item Number: 630556
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