Title: Sterile Evers Life Gauze Medical Swabs (16x14cm, 10/pack, 3 packs)
Evers Life sterile gauze medical swabs are manufactured from medical-grade gauze conforming to GOST 16427-93. These highly absorbent, breathable swabs are easily molded to wound contours. They effectively prevent microorganism penetration, absorb wound exudate, and protect against contamination. Suitable for creating surgical dressings and used both as ready-to-use swabs and for manufacturing surgical dressings. Our sterile swab packaging utilizes a three-layer material. The inner polyethylene layer ensures a perfectly sealed seam, while the outer polypropylene layer provides strength and complete bacterial impermeability. Each pack contains 10 swabs, and this listing includes 3 packs (30 swabs total). Ideal for medical professionals and first aid applications.