Title: Sterile Gauze Sponges 10x10cm, 8-Ply (4 Packs of 10) – EVERSmed
EVERSmed sterile gauze sponges (10x10cm, 8-ply) offer superior absorbency and safety. These 100% cotton, non-woven medical sponges are designed with inward-folded edges to prevent unraveling and ensure complete patient safety. Widely used in global healthcare settings, these highly absorbent sponges are ideal for a variety of applications, including:
- Wound Dressing: Apply directly to wounds, with or without medication.
- Wound Care: Absorb wound exudate, protect against contamination, and promote healing.
- Surgical Procedures: Used as a ready-to-use surgical dressing for wound packing, hemostasis (stopping bleeding), and drainage.
- First Aid: Effective for cleaning and dressing minor injuries.
Radiation sterilized for guaranteed sterility, EVERSmed gauze sponges are highly conformable, breathable, and effective in preventing microbial contamination. Each pack contains 10 sponges (4 packs total). Choose EVERSmed for reliable, high-quality wound care.