Title: Sterile Acupuncture Needles – 0.2 x 15mm (100 Pack) – Medical Grade Stainless Steel
Redox offers high-quality, sterile acupuncture needles (0.2 x 15mm, 100 individually blister-packed needles) manufactured with over 35 years of experience. As the only domestic producer, we operate two licensed facilities (Russia and China) and provide all necessary documentation for tenders.
Our needles are crafted from premium medical-grade stainless steel with diamond-point sharpening for an exceptionally smooth surface. They are sterilized using gamma radiation and ethylene oxide gas. Employing a patented pine-needle shaped tip, each needle acts as a generator of skin-galvanic electrical currents—vitamins naturally produced and consumed by the body through metal interaction.
Each needle features a copper handle, enhancing insertion ease across various techniques and boasting superior bactericidal properties and conductivity. Our unique technology results in bactericidal efficacy four times greater than comparable products.
Redox acupuncture needles are ideal for:
- Chronic cardiovascular diseases
- Chronic bronchopulmonary diseases
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Endocrine disorders
- Neurological disorders
- Urogenital disorders
- Autoimmune diseases
- Chronic pain management
These single-use, sterile stainless steel needles are perfect for acupuncture and dry needling techniques. Medical-grade quality assured.