Title: Sterile Needle 2.0*40 (Luer) 14G x 1 1/2 – Pack of 5
These sterile, disposable 14G (2.0 x 40mm) injection needles are essential for local anesthesia. Designed for precise delivery of solution from a carpule into surrounding tissues, these needles feature a metallic tube (cannula), a Luer adapter for seamless syringe connection, and a precisely beveled tip for optimal tissue penetration. Some manufacturers incorporate a bevel indicator on the hub for accurate orientation before insertion.
Needle selection depends on two key factors: gauge (diameter) and length (from bevel tip to cannula). While lengths are often categorized as short, medium, and long (and color-coded accordingly), they’re also measured in inches and millimeters. Gauge (G), derived from “gauge” (a measure of diameter), refers to the internal lumen diameter. Higher gauge numbers indicate smaller internal diameters, similar to aperture settings in photography. The relationship between gauge and internal diameter isn’t linear due to the cross-sectional area calculation.
While external diameter is more intuitive for clinicians, it isn’t standardized across manufacturers because it depends on both internal diameter and the (variable) thickness of the tube wall. Therefore, the correlation between gauge (G) and external diameter is approximate, with both values typically indicated on the packaging. These high-quality needles ensure reliable performance and accurate solution delivery for dental procedures.