St. John’s Wort 100 Tablets: Natural Antidepressant
St. John’s Wort P: A natural supplement with antidepressant properties. This powerful natural antidepressant improves bile flow, regulates bowel function, strengthens blood vessel walls, normalizes venous and capillary circulation (improving blood supply to all organs), acts as a strong diuretic (promoting the elimination of harmful substances and preventing kidney stone formation), accelerates cellular regeneration, and exhibits astringent, antimicrobial, antiseptic, and anthelmintic effects. St. John’s Wort’s chemical composition includes Vitamins C, E, P, and PP; essential oils (including azulene) in the flowers; approximately 13% tannins and 17% resinous substances in the herb and flowers; carbohydrates; flavonoids (including rutin, quercetin, glycosides, and many others); anthracenes; saponins; alkaloids; coumarins; choline; and numerous mineral salts. Pharmacological effects include improved bile flow, regulated bowel function, strengthened blood vessels, normalized venous and capillary circulation, antidepressant action, strong diuretic effects, accelerated cellular regeneration, and astringent, antimicrobial, antiseptic, and anthelmintic properties. Tablets weigh 205mg.