Title: Sterile Alcohol Swabs 56x65mm (100 Pack) – SOYUZ Brand – Antiseptic, Antibacterial, Disinfecting for Injections
SOYUZ brand sterile alcohol swabs are designed for effective skin disinfection and cleansing before and after injections, and for the initial removal of dirt from intact skin. These swabs provide reliable antimicrobial and antibacterial action. Manufactured using a non-woven, thermally bonded polypropylene fabric, they leave no fibrous residue on the skin and are formulated to avoid allergic reactions or skin irritation. Each swab is evenly saturated with a 70% ethyl alcohol solution, folded (double or quadruple), and hermetically sealed in an individual packet to prevent drying. The pack contains 100 individually wrapped swabs, each measuring 56 x 65 mm. Ideal for medical professionals and personal use.