Title: De-Oiled Granular Soy Lecithin (1 kg)
High-concentration, de-oiled granular soy lecithin is a versatile emulsifier ideal for a wide range of food applications. Its granular form (0.5-2mm) offers ease of use and consistent incorporation. This product enhances texture and consistency in confectionery, chocolate, mayonnaise, sauces, dairy products, and oil-based foods. The neutral taste with a subtle hint of tartness complements various flavors. Its high phospholipid content ensures superior emulsification and stability:
- Phosphatidylcholine (PC): 20-26%
- Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE): 15-22%
- Phosphatidylinositol (PI): 12-16%
SEO Keywords:
Soy lecithin, granular soy lecithin, de-oiled soy lecithin, emulsifier, food emulsifier, food additive, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, confectionery, chocolate, mayonnaise, sauces, dairy products, oil-based foods, 1kg, bulk soy lecithin, food ingredient, high phospholipid content.