Sage, Eucalyptus & Monarda Throat Lozenges with Red Oil – 10 Count
These throat lozenges combine the power of sage, eucalyptus, and monarda, enhanced by the unique properties of red oil. Red oil is rich in hypericin, a flavonoid also abundant in St. John’s Wort oil. Hypericin is known for its potent antimicrobial, antiviral, and antiparasitic properties without the side effects of many conventional treatments. It effectively heals and repairs damaged cells. Eucalyptus oil provides antiseptic benefits, while sage oil is renowned for its anti-inflammatory action and ability to boost the immune system’s resistance to infection. Monarda, a wildflower, acts as an excellent immunomodulator, actively combating viral and bacterial infections. When dissolved, the oils gently coat the throat, providing soothing relief.