Title: Solomed Premium Adult Diapers XL (30 Count) – High Absorbency, Overnight Protection, 150-175cm Waist
Description: Solomed Premium adult diapers, size XL (30 count), provide superior absorbency and overnight protection for individuals with a waist circumference of 150-175cm. These unisex, disposable adult diapers are designed for comfort and reliability for men and women of all ages and health conditions, including those who are bedridden. The form-fitting design ensures a comfortable and secure fit for a wide range of body types. Made with breathable materials to prevent rashes and odor, these diapers feature a wetness indicator, elastic leg openings for a snug fit, and a superior leak-guard system. Solomed Premium adult diapers are hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. These high-quality diapers meet stringent standards and are eligible for purchase with FSS and TSR certificates. A range of sizes are available.