Title: Solgar MenoPrime Tablets – Support for Women’s Hormonal Changes
A woman’s body undergoes significant changes with age. Maintaining health and quality of life during this period requires attentive care. Solgar MenoPrime Tablets provide targeted support for the hormonal shifts experienced by women. This carefully formulated supplement combines high-quality extracts of saffron and Siberian rhubarb to address common menopausal concerns.
Saffron extract contributes to emotional well-being and improved sleep quality. Siberian rhubarb extract helps alleviate menopausal symptoms and supports cognitive function.
Each tablet contains:
- Saffron extract (affron): 28 mg
- Siberian rhubarb extract (Err 731): 4 mg
- Beta-carotene: 1.2 mg (24% of the Adequate Intake)
Keywords: Solgar MenoPrime, Menopause, Menopausal Symptoms, Saffron Extract, Siberian Rhubarb Extract, Women’s Health, Hormonal Changes, Emotional Well-being, Sleep Quality, Cognitive Function, Dietary Supplement, Vitamins, Supplements, Affron, Err 731, Beta-Carotene.