Title: Snake Venom Body Gel-Balsam (Golden Mustache, Bee Venom) – Repair & Protection, 125ml – Korolev Pharm
This revitalizing body gel-balsam harnesses the power of nature’s most potent ingredients to deliver superior joint and back pain relief. Formulated with a unique blend of viper venom, bee venom, golden mustache extract, and chamomile, it provides comprehensive support for your musculoskeletal system.
Viper Venom:
Sourced responsibly from venom farms, viper venom (after undergoing a special purification process) contains enzymes, fatty acids, amino acids, proteins, and microelements that offer potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It’s renowned for its effectiveness in treating various joint conditions including radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis, and osteochondrosis, surpassing the effectiveness of many other viper venoms.
Bee Venom:
A natural remedy with a long history of use, bee venom boasts powerful anti-inflammatory, warming, analgesic, and bactericidal actions. It enhances blood flow, improves metabolism within the joint, and boosts the penetration of other active ingredients for deeper relief. Clinical studies demonstrate its remarkable efficacy (up to 98%) in treating joint and spinal disorders.
Golden Mustache Extract:
This powerful biogenic stimulant is rich in tannins, flavonoids, acids, and essential minerals like calcium. Its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, immunomodulatory, and restorative properties contribute to overall joint health and pain reduction.
Known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and analgesic properties, chamomile also contains azulene, which further enhances regeneration and provides local anesthetic effects. Its anti-allergic properties add to its soothing and healing action.
A vital component of cartilage, glucosamine stimulates the production of chondroitin, improves joint metabolism, and promotes cartilage regeneration, reducing pain and inflammation.
Methyl Nicotinate (Vitamin PP derivative):
This potent vasodilator provides local warming and irritating effects, reducing pain and improving blood circulation. It enhances oxygenation and removes excess fluid and toxins, alleviating swelling.
The synergistic combination of these natural ingredients works together to combat inflammation, reduce swelling and muscle spasms, improve blood circulation, and promote tissue regeneration. Experience the soothing relief and restorative power of this exceptional body gel-balsam. 125ml. Korolev Pharm.
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