Title: Skipophyt Therapeutic White Turpentine Emulsion – 0.25L
English Description:
Skipophyt Therapeutic, a white turpentine emulsion, expands capillaries and increases blood flow volume. This promotes the influx of nutrient-rich, oxygenated blood to cells, while efficiently removing waste and toxins. As a result, billions of your body’s cells begin to breathe more effectively.
Improved myocardial oxygenation reduces atherosclerosis, “bad” cholesterol (LDL), and triglycerides, preventing and accelerating rehabilitation after ischemic heart disease and strokes. Within a month, you may experience the reduction or elimination of cardiac edema, shortness of breath (even at rest), and restoration of normal heart rhythm.
Improved blood flow helps alleviate pain and tissue regeneration in arthritis, arthrosis, and osteochondrosis, even in advanced cases. Mobility is restored, and neck artery compression is relieved. Within a week, brain blood supply improves, leading to enhanced memory and sleep quality.
Improved microcirculation in circulatory and respiratory centers lowers blood pressure and reduces the symptoms of chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma. You’ll become less susceptible to stress and hypertensive crises. Non-specific resistance to infections increases, reducing the frequency of respiratory illnesses and alleviating symptoms of chronic conditions such as prostatitis, adnexitis, cystitis, and gastritis.
Over time, blood circulation in organs and tissues deteriorates. While we fear cholesterol’s damage to arteries, cholesterol primarily deposits in arteries, but the majority of vessels nourishing the body are capillaries. Impaired capillary circulation can have serious consequences.
Our bodies consist of billions of cells, each supplied by capillaries. If a person’s capillaries were stretched into a single thread, it would encircle the Earth six times! Maintaining optimal blood microcirculation is crucial for cell nourishment throughout the body – in the brain, heart, liver, thyroid, and more.
In 1905, Academician Zalmanov developed a formula based on natural pine resin (turpentine) – the white and yellow turpentine baths. This treatment proved so effective that his clinic saw patients recover from arthritis, arthrosis, lose weight, and overcome diabetes, ischemic heart disease, and numerous other ailments.
Created for you. Dr. Arsenin. Manufacturer: Naturotherapy. Naturmed