Title: Silicone Heel Socks for Cracked Heels and Calluses
Description: Experience relief from cracked heels and calluses with our premium silicone heel socks. These comfortable, reusable protectors provide effective prevention and treatment, fitting comfortably in any footwear. The universal size suits both men and women. Enhance their effectiveness by applying your favorite night cream or exfoliating mask under the socks for smoother, healthier heels. Perfect for addressing calluses, heel spurs, and dry, cracked skin. These easy-to-clean gel heel inserts simply wipe clean with a damp cloth. Breathable perforations keep your feet comfortable, preventing overheating and promoting healthy skin. Made from high-quality, soft, breathable silicone, gentle even on sensitive skin. Our heel socks stay securely in place, stretching to conform to your foot’s shape without restricting circulation. Say goodbye to rough, dry skin and hello to soft, healthy heels.