Title: Silicone Heel Cups for Heel Spur Pain Relief – Sizes 35-39
Description: Experience superior comfort and pain relief with these high-quality silicone heel cups. Designed to alleviate heel spur pain and plantar fasciitis, these orthotic inserts feature a supportive, contoured design with raised edges for optimal cushioning and shock absorption. Available in two sizes (36-39 and 40-45), each pack contains one pair. The durable, flexible silicone material provides excellent stability and distributes weight evenly across the heel and foot, reducing pressure on sensitive areas and promoting proper alignment. Enjoy reduced fatigue and pain-free walking, even in uncomfortable shoes. Easy to clean and maintain, these reusable heel cups offer long-lasting comfort and support. Prevent heel pain, plantar fasciitis, and the formation of calluses with these effective and comfortable heel cushions.