Title: Silapro Acupressure Mat for Foot Reflexology & Orthopaedic Stimulation (35x35cm)
Experience the revitalizing benefits of the Silapro Acupressure Mat. This 35x35cm mat features clearly marked acupressure points for targeted foot reflexology. Stimulate key reflex zones to promote improved circulation, relieve tension, strengthen ankle joints and muscles, and enhance overall well-being. Made from durable plastic and artificial leather, this mat offers a comfortable and effective way to incorporate acupressure into your daily routine. Perfect for home use or on-the-go relaxation.
Acupressure Mat, Foot Massage Mat, Reflexology Mat, Silapro, Foot Massager, Orthopaedic Mat, Acupuncture Points, Foot Health, Circulation, Ankle Support, Muscle Strengthening, Relaxation, Stress Relief, Home Massage, Portable Massage Mat, 35x35cm, Plastic, Artificial Leather.