Title: Siberian Larch Sap Extract “New Vessels” Capsules – 30 x 0.5g
Experience the power of nature with Siberian Larch Sap Extract “New Vessels” capsules. This unique blend of natural ingredients effectively combats vascular changes, normalizes blood pressure, and restores cardiovascular and visual function. Say goodbye to headaches and cognitive impairment.
Key ingredients and their benefits:
- Siberian Larch Bark: Rich in dihydroquercetin, it normalizes blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, improves microcirculation, prevents blood clot formation, reduces prostate inflammation, and boosts immunity. It also protects the brain, heart, and blood vessels from age-related and stress-induced damage.
- Dioscorea Nipponica Rhizomes: Prevents the formation of atherosclerotic changes in the heart and brain vessels, and combats varicose veins.
- Clover Flowers: Enhance vascular elasticity, prevent atherosclerosis, exhibit anti-tumor properties, and alleviate allergic reactions, bronchitis, and vitiligo.
- Bilberry Fruit: Restores microcirculation and blood flow in blood vessels and capillaries, improves vision, prevents age-related vision decline, and enhances night vision.
- Bergenia Root and Leaves: Promotes healthy blood pressure reduction, strengthens blood vessel walls, normalizes heart contractions, and provides anti-inflammatory benefits.
- Altai Mountain Shilajit (Purified): Possesses general strengthening properties, counteracts the effects of high blood pressure and high blood sugar, and improves overall well-being.
- Stone Oil: In combination with other plant components, it powerfully restores vascular and cardiac function, provides easily digestible minerals essential for heart health, improves blood rheology, and normalizes blood pressure.
Siberian Larch Sap Extract “New Vessels” offers a natural approach to lower blood pressure, relieve vascular spasms in the head, and normalize heart rhythm without adverse side effects. This 30-capsule pack (0.5g per capsule) provides a convenient and effective solution for supporting cardiovascular health and overall well-being.
Siberian Larch, Larch Sap Extract, Dihydroquercetin, Blood Pressure, Cardiovascular Health, Vascular Health, Heart Health, Vision Support, Headaches, Cognitive Function, Natural Remedy, Supplements, Capsules, Dioscorea Nipponica, Clover Flowers, Bilberry, Bergenia, Shilajit, Stone Oil, Atherosclerosis, Varicose Veins, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Blood Circulation, Microcirculation, Improved Vision, Age-Related Decline.