Title: Shungite & Burdock Joint Cream-Balm – 125ml – Korolev Pharm
Korolev Pharm’s Shungite & Burdock Joint Cream-Balm (125ml) is a powerful, all-natural formula for joint pain relief. This unique blend harnesses the power of 10 active ingredients, including the ancient mineral shungite, known for its exceptional healing properties. It works to improve joint function, slow down destructive processes, and stimulate regeneration. The cream-balm’s effectiveness stems from the high biological activity and synergistic action of its components.
Shungite, a 2-billion-year-old mineral found exclusively in Karelia (Russia), has been clinically proven effective for over 50 ailments. It’s particularly potent in treating musculoskeletal issues such as arthritis, radiculitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, and gout. Its unique carbon structure contains fullerenes, powerful antioxidants awarded the Nobel Prize in 1996 for their remarkable therapeutic properties.
Burdock (Comarum palustre)
Burdock (Comarum palustre) is a medicinal herb with potent biostimulating, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, diuretic, anti-rheumatic, and regenerative effects. Traditionally used to combat rheumatism, radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis, and salt deposits in the joints, it reduces inflammation, swelling, and improves joint and spine mobility.
Mummy (Asphaltum)
Mummy (Asphaltum), a complex natural substance mined in mountains, is a potent biostimulator with a 3,000-year history of medicinal use. It stimulates joint repair, promotes connective tissue cell proliferation, and offers anti-inflammatory, anti-toxic, immunostimulating, and general strengthening effects. It’s rich in organic compounds and approximately 50 minerals.
Collagen, a crucial protein forming the basis of connective tissue (tendons, cartilage, bone, dermis), enhances the strength and elasticity of cartilage and ligaments, improving joint and spine mobility. It creates a robust extracellular structure to protect cartilage.
Added extracts and oils from medicinal plants nourish joints, improve blood circulation and metabolism in periarticular tissues, stimulate cartilage regeneration, and enhance synovial fluid quality. They provide further anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects.
Shungite’s high penetration capabilities and ability to incorporate other components ensure deep tissue absorption of the cream-balm’s active ingredients. Its all-natural, multi-component formula offers comprehensive joint support. Powerful antioxidants trigger natural regeneration, without side effects or habit formation, even with prolonged use.