Title: Shiva Gutika with Triphala & Dashmula – Ayurvedic Herbal Supplement (50g)
English Description:
Shiva Gutika is a potent Ayurvedic herbal supplement containing Shilajit (mumie), Triphala (a blend of three fruits), and Dashmula (a blend of ten roots). This complex formulation is renowned for its ability to balance all three doshas, particularly Kapha. It’s a powerful detoxifier, rejuvenator, and lymphatic cleanser, supporting hormonal balance, nervous system health, and healthy tissue formation.
Shiva Gutika helps regulate metabolism and supports healthy weight management, aiding in weight loss if overweight and weight gain if underweight. It may also help prevent premature graying.
A prolonged course (up to a year) may help alleviate a wide range of health concerns, including but not limited to: gout, tuberculosis, fever, gynecological issues, hemorrhoids, anemia, hydrocele, vomiting, chronic diarrhea, intestinal tumors, chronic atrophic rhinitis, sinusitis, hiccups, cough, anorexia, bronchitis, various gastrointestinal disorders, leucoderma, chronic skin diseases (including leprosy), impotence, intoxications, debility from serious illnesses, mental disorders, and epilepsy.
This versatile supplement also addresses ENT (ear, nose, and throat) disorders, vision problems, and cognitive function. It may be beneficial for conditions such as acute constipation, diarrhea, menorrhagia, jaundice, biliary disorders, diabetes, liver and spleen diseases, non-inflammatory tumors, abscesses, opened anorectal abscesses, bleeding disorders, extreme thinness, obesity, excessive sweating, elephantiasis, venomous bites, and various types of poisoning. It may also improve speech, enhance cognitive abilities, and reduce premature graying. It is considered an aphrodisiac.
Shiva Gutika’s preparation is a complex and multi-step process. The Shilajit, the primary active ingredient, undergoes multiple processing stages involving decoctions of Triphala and Dashmula, followed by further processing with six additional components (including Gomutra and Ghee), and finally, a decoction of 27 components (including six rare Ashtavarga herbs).
This product is not a medicine. Consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner before use to determine appropriate dosage and treatment plan. Individual results may vary.
Shiva Gutika, Shilajit, Triphala, Dashmula, Ayurvedic, herbal supplement, detox, rejuvenate, lymphatic cleanser, hormonal balance, weight management, metabolism, gout, tuberculosis, gynecological issues, hemorrhoids, anemia, skin diseases, ENT disorders, diabetes, aphrodisiac, 50g, Ayurveda, herbal remedy, natural remedy, weight loss, weight gain, premature graying, immune system support.