Title: Seni Standard Air Adult Diapers – Large (100-150cm Waist), 5-Drop Absorption, 30 Count
Seni Standard Air adult diapers provide superior comfort and protection for individuals with moderate to severe incontinence. Designed for both mobile and immobile patients, these breathable diapers feature elastic waistbands for a secure, comfortable fit. The breathable outer layer minimizes the risk of skin irritation and rashes, while the EDS distribution layer ensures rapid and even absorption. A soft, non-woven top sheet, combined with a dual absorbent layer and antibacterial superabsorbent core, neutralizes odors and offers exceptional absorbency. Hydrophobic side barriers provide added leak protection, and a dual wetness indicator clearly shows when a change is needed. Suitable for both urinary and fecal incontinence. Large size fits waists 100-150cm. 30 diapers per pack.
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