Title: Selenium Forte: Powerful Antioxidant for Immune Support (60 Capsules, 150 mcg)
Selenium Forte provides a potent dose of selenium (150 mcg per capsule), a vital trace mineral crucial for immune function, antioxidant defense, and detoxification. This essential nutrient supports thyroid hormone production, contributing to healthy thyroid function. Selenium’s antioxidant properties help protect against cellular damage, potentially reducing the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. It aids in the removal of heavy metals (arsenic, thallium, mercury, cadmium, and lead) from the body and may mitigate some of the negative effects of radiation therapy. Furthermore, selenium plays a key role in male fertility and potency, and is essential for healthy fetal development, reducing the risk of miscarriage. Each bottle contains 60 capsules for convenient daily supplementation.