Title: SD Ceram Stain Powder: Dark Brown Intensive Dentin Shade Powder (3g)
Description: Achieve lifelike, natural-looking tooth restorations with SD Ceram Stain Powder, a cutting-edge dental coloring agent. This 3g jar of Dark Brown Intensive shade powder offers unparalleled precision and color matching for ceramic restorations. Part of a comprehensive 8-shade dentin palette (A-D shades), SD Ceram seamlessly integrates with existing color systems, ensuring effortless and consistent results. Its unique fluorescence mimics the natural vibrancy of healthy teeth, producing restorations that are both beautiful and highly realistic. Easily applied for even, long-lasting coverage, SD Ceram’s compact packaging delivers exceptional value. Elevate your restorative dentistry with SD Ceram Stain Powder – the ideal choice for dentists and dental professionals seeking superior color accuracy and exceptional aesthetic outcomes. Experience the difference today.