Title: Schroth Plus Scoliosis Exercise Kit: Individualized Therapy at Home
This Schroth Plus® scoliosis exercise kit provides individualized therapy based on the renowned Schroth method (Schroth-therapy, Best Practice, ISST, BSPTS). The kit includes one detachable T-shaped belt with ring and loop, one wedge pillow, three rectangular pillows, and a protective carrying case. Manufactured in Chelyabinsk, Russia, using high-quality, water-resistant, and antiseptic-treatable fabrics from OLDOS™ (made from synthetic fibers by Wujiang Huaxun Textile Co., LTD, China). EAEU HS Code: 5407. This kit supports various Schroth method schools, including Best Practice (Dr. Hans-Rudolf Weiss, Germany), International Schroth Three-Dimensional Scoliosis Therapy (ISST) (Axel M. Hennes, Germany), and Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School (Dr. Rigo, Spain). Enhance your scoliosis management with targeted exercises and postural support.
Schroth method, Schroth therapy, Schroth Plus, scoliosis, scoliosis treatment, scoliosis exercise, scoliosis therapy kit, scoliosis brace, scoliosis correction, Schroth Best Practice, ISST, BSPTS, scoliosis pillows, scoliosis belt, postural correction, breathing exercises, spinal correction, back pain relief, physical therapy, home therapy, individualized therapy, exercise kit, OLDOS, Wujiang Huaxun Textile.