Title: Sanacin Antiparasitic Complex: Eliminate Parasites & Worms Naturally (20 Capsules)
Sanacin is a potent two-phase formula designed to effectively eliminate all types of worms and parasites. This comprehensive cleanse also helps remove toxins and шлаки (slags/toxins) from your body. Our natural formula utilizes only organic ingredients, sourced from potent Altai herbs and medicinal plants. This anti-worm, anti-parasite supplement helps cleanse your body of helminths, eggs, and other parasitic worms. After a course of treatment and intestinal cleansing, you’ll experience significant relief and improved overall health. Sanacin strengthens your immune system, creating a barrier against future parasitic infections, normalizes digestion, and relieves constipation. It also provides active support and recovery after illness.
Take two capsules daily, regardless of meal times. Take the white capsules in the morning and the red capsules in the evening. The recommended course of treatment is 5 weeks.
Important Information:
Sanacin is a biological food supplement, not a medication. It is generally safe for adult men and women and has minimal contraindications. However, it is not recommended for children, pregnant women, or breastfeeding mothers. Those with known allergies to any of the ingredients should also avoid use. All Althea products meet unified sanitary and epidemiological requirements and possess quality certifications.