Title: Sage Forte & Plantain Throat Lozenges – Silum
Description: Silum Sage Forte & Plantain Throat Lozenges offer 100% natural relief for upper respiratory and oral discomfort. This powerful combination of sage and plantain effectively soothes coughs, sore throats, and throat irritation. Our enhanced formula provides targeted relief for modern lifestyles. Each lozenge delivers a dual-action blend of active ingredients, promoting respiratory health and alleviating cough, sore throat, and irritation. Slow-dissolving tablets ensure prolonged contact with the oral and throat mucosa for sustained relief. High in essential oils, a daily intake of 4-5 lozenges provides significant levels of flavonoids (less than 5% rutin equivalent, 0.7-0.9mg), essential oils (20-25mg), and menthol (40-50%, 8-10mg). Enjoy a pleasant taste with zero added sugar. Energy value per lozenge (1.1g): 3.5 kcal/14.7 kJ/0.08 XE (bread units).