Title: ROXY-KIDS Painless Injection Applicator for Babies (0+), Cat Design
The ROXY-KIDS PainStopper massage applicator transforms injections and vaccinations into a less frightening experience for your little one. This playful, cat-designed device features a semi-circular plastic disc with blunt protrusions that gently massage the skin. A central injection hole accommodates subcutaneous, intramuscular, and intradermal injections. The applicator’s gentle pressure and micro-massage action effectively distracts from the needle’s prick, minimizing discomfort. Suitable for various body parts, it’s ideal for daily injections, like those required for diabetes management, and is compatible with insulin pens. Its flexible design allows for easy skin fold creation, and its optimal size is perfect for vaccinations and injections. Compact and portable, this applicator is a must-have at home and in medical facilities, enabling targeted manual acupressure massage. Regular use stimulates acupressure points, potentially offering therapeutic benefits. The high density of protrusions ensures complete coverage of the treatment area. This product holds a registration certificate and is available in two adorable designs: a cute cat and a playful hedgehog.