Lumbar-Sacral-Thoracic Orthosis (PRR-37U Ecoten) – Rigid Support, Size M, Beige
This high-quality 37cm Lumbar-Sacral-Thoracic Orthosis (PRR-37U Ecoten) provides rigid support and stabilization for the lower back and torso. Featuring a breathable, moisture-wicking fabric with high cotton content, this beige size M orthosis incorporates four removable, adjustable metal stays for customized support.
- Post-operative rehabilitation following surgery on the lumbar, sacral, and lower thoracic spine (including discectomy)
- Spinal trauma
- Uncomplicated fractures of the lumbar vertebral processes
- Lumbar-sacral radiculitis, lumbago, and lumbalgia
- Lower back pain
- Progressive conditions such as lumbar spondylosis, osteoarthritis, and intervertebral disc herniation
- Sacroiliac joint inflammation
- Spinal structural insufficiency
- Degenerative vertebral displacement
- Post-manual therapy and therapeutic exercise
- Prevention of spinal disorders during physical activity and sports
While there are no absolute contraindications, the following conditions require consultation with a physician before use:
- Complicated spinal injuries with spinal cord damage
- Need for individually customized spinal orthotics
- Presence of contact dermatitis, trophic ulcers, or pressure sores in the application area
- Allergic reaction to the materials used in the product
- Individual intolerance, purulent infection, open skin lesions, and various local dermatoses.
- Do not wear the orthosis after applying warming ointments or creams to the skin.
Lumbar-sacral-thoracic orthosis, back brace, rigid support, spinal support, lower back pain, back pain relief, post-surgery recovery, spinal injury recovery, osteoarthritis, spondylosis, disc herniation, sacroiliac joint pain, lumbago, radiculitis, PRR-37U, Ecoten, size M, beige, medical brace, orthopedic brace, spinal stabilization.