Title: Ttoman AS-SD Right Foot Drop Ankle Brace (Shoe Size 39-42) – Ecoten Orthosis for Foot Drop
The Ttoman AS-SD right ankle foot orthosis (AFO) provides effective support and stabilization for individuals experiencing foot drop. Designed for shoe sizes 39-42, this ecoten orthosis is ideal for managing conditions like foot drop resulting from stroke, nerve damage, spinal cord injuries, tumors, cerebral palsy, and more. Its customizable design allows for personalized fitting and optimal comfort.
Key Features:
- Customizable Thermoplastic Upper: The upper portion of the brace can be molded to the individual’s leg using heat for a precise, comfortable fit.
- Anti-Slip Element: An included anti-slip element can be adhered to the sole for enhanced grip and stability.
- Adjustable Sizing: The length can be trimmed to perfectly match the user’s foot length.
- Effective Foot Stabilization: Maintains the foot in its anatomically correct position, limiting plantar flexion during walking.
- Improved Gait: Supports the foot and toes during the swing phase of gait, restoring a more natural walking pattern.
- Versatile Use: Suitable for daytime use and as a night splint.
- Color: Gray
Indications for Use:
- Foot drop syndrome (resulting from stroke, neuritis, spinal cord injuries, spinal cord tumors, cerebral palsy, etc.)
- Chronic instability of the ankle joint ligaments (when surgery is contraindicated)
- Conservative treatment of ankle ligament sprains and tears
- Post-operative rehabilitation (following ligament reconstruction, arthroplasty, etc.)
ankle foot orthosis, AFO, foot drop brace, right ankle brace, drop foot brace, Ttoman AS-SD, Ecoten orthosis, shoe size 39-42, plantar flexion, stroke rehabilitation, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, ankle ligament sprain, ankle surgery recovery, night splint, customizable brace, adjustable brace, orthopedic brace, medical brace.