Title: Rhino Rescue Tactical First Aid Kit (12-Piece Set)
Description: The original Rhino Rescue Tactical First Aid Kit provides comprehensive, rapid-response capabilities. Its telescoping design allows for versatile configuration and easy access to essential medical supplies. A convenient handle facilitates quick retrieval of individual modules. Dual zippers ensure smooth opening, while the durable 600-1000D nylon construction withstands demanding conditions. The kit features versatile mounting options: Velcro, MOLLE, and MOLLE minus, accommodating additional pouches or tourniquet holders. This 12-piece set includes:
- Quick-release pouch
- Rhino Tourniquet (metal windlass)
- Rhino Marker
- Rhino Scissors
- 4-inch Individual Dressing Packet
- Rhino Ventilated Occlusive Dressing
- Rubber Gloves
- Rhino Rescue Blanket
- Rhino Nasopharyngeal Airway (with lubricating gel)
- 5cm x 2.5m Reinforced Medical Tape
- 7.5cm x 4.5m Elastic Bandage
- Z-folded Tamponade Bandage
Dimensions: 23 x 15 x 8 cm. Weight: 600g.