Title: Quincke Spinal Needle G19*88 (Without Stylet)
Enhanced Description:
Experience superior performance with our Quincke (G19*88) spinal needle, specifically designed for atraumatic spinal anesthesia and puncture. This high-quality, stylet-free needle features a precisely engineered bevel located close to the needle tip. This innovative design gently displaces the dura mater fibers during puncture, minimizing trauma and significantly reducing the incidence of post-dural puncture headache (PDPH).
The distinct “give” felt upon penetrating the dura mater provides clear tactile feedback. The needle’s specially designed pavilion enhances visualization of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), facilitating quick and efficient procedures. Manufactured from the finest surgical-grade stainless steel, the needle boasts an exceptionally smooth surface for effortless and atraumatic insertion, ensuring patient comfort and safety. Choose precision and reliability for your spinal procedures.