Title: Herbitas Podiablandos Silicone Kit: Medium-Soft Density for Podiatric Orthotics (50g + 50g Catalyst)
Create professional-grade podiatric orthotics with the Herbitas Podiablandos Silicone Kit. This medium-soft density kit (Shore A 15) contains 50g of silicone and 50g of catalyst, along with two measuring spoons. Podiablandos utilizes innovative components for superior performance:
- Hydroxiprolisilane: Promotes cell regeneration and accelerates healing of minor skin abrasions caused by friction.
- Biomaster (Silver Ion Technology): Provides long-lasting antimicrobial protection, reducing microbial activity.
Key Features:
- Shore A Hardness: 15
- Ideal for corrective orthotics
- Easy to work with; non-stick and pleasant texture
- Highly elastic and durable; will not crack
- Fragrance-free
- Soft pink color
- Distinctly colored silicone and catalyst for easy mixing
Instructions for Professional Use Only:
- Combine equal parts (1:1) silicone and catalyst.
- Thoroughly mix until homogenous.
- Mold the orthotic onto the foot.
- Leave in place for 5 minutes to set.
- Allow 24 hours for complete curing.
Ingredients: Silicone polymer, medicinal white oil, polydimethylsiloxane, colorant, antioxidant, Hydroxiprolisilane, and antimicrobial silver ions. Made in Spain.
Podiablandos, Herbitas, silicone, orthotics, podiatric, podiatry, silicone kit, medical silicone, Shore A 15, orthotic material, foot orthotics, custom orthotics, Hydroxiprolisilane, Biomaster, antimicrobial, silver ions, cell regeneration, wound healing, Spain, professional use, 50g silicone, catalyst, measuring spoons.