Title: TTK B-9 Plastisol Enema Bulb with Two Tips (250ml)
Description: The TTK B-9 250ml plastisol enema bulb is a high-quality medical instrument designed for effective enema and irrigation procedures. This superior bulb features two interchangeable tips: a rigid polypropylene tip and a soft plastisol tip. This dual-tip design ensures versatility and patient comfort, minimizing the risk of trauma. Both tips boast a smooth, seamless surface, eliminating the possibility of irritation or injury. The bulb’s high suction capacity guarantees efficient fluid delivery. Manufactured from premium-grade polymeric materials (plastic and rubber), this enema bulb is resistant to acids, alkalis, and heat sterilization, while remaining non-toxic and hypoallergenic. Its 250ml capacity is ideal for a wide range of applications. Choose the TTK B-9 plastisol enema bulb for reliable and comfortable medical procedures. WARNING: Do not use with oil-based substances.