Title: TTK A-9 Plastisol Enema Bulb with Soft Tip (250ml)
The TTK A-9 250ml plastisol enema bulb with a soft tip is a versatile and essential addition to any home healthcare kit. Its classic design and wide range of applications, from daily nasal and throat rinsing to enemas, make it suitable for all ages and genders. Crafted from hypoallergenic, non-toxic plastisol with a polypropylene tip, this enema bulb features a smooth, pore-free surface for comfortable use. Before use, sterilize by boiling for 30 minutes. Not for use with oils. After use, thoroughly rinse with hot water and allow to air dry. This enema bulb is durable and withstands multiple cycles of disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning, and sterilization without deformation or cracking. Capacity: 250ml; Color: Flesh-toned.