Title: Plantago Major Leaf Filter Bags (Lekra-SET)
Plantago major (greater plantain) leaf filter bags offer a convenient way to harness the plant’s potent therapeutic properties. Known for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, haemostatic, wound-healing, sedative, anti-allergic, and bacteriostatic effects, plantain leaf is traditionally used to treat a wide range of conditions. These filter bags simplify the preparation of infusions for addressing respiratory ailments (bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough, tuberculosis – particularly those with thick mucus), gastrointestinal issues (gastritis with low acidity, peptic ulcers), acute and chronic enteritis, colitis, and nephritis. Furthermore, plantain infusions may provide relief from hay fever, urticaria, fever, hemorrhoids, cystitis, enuresis, belching, flatulence, heartburn, and are even traditionally used in the management of gastric and lung cancer and atherosclerosis. Lekra-SET filter bags ensure easy and consistent preparation for optimal therapeutic benefit.