Title: Seventh Street 7A 599 35J Pink: Lightweight, Rimless Eyeglass Frames
Description: Experience sophisticated style and unparalleled comfort with the Seventh Street 7A 599 35J Pink rimless eyeglasses. These Italian-made frames boast a classic, round lens shape with a lightweight, durable design weighing only 10 grams (including lenses). The sleek, dark pink metallic finish (Pink) is subtly glamorous and complements various styles. The virtually invisible rimless construction creates a clean, uncluttered look, while the adjustable temples ensure a perfect fit. Features include comfortable, adjustable nose pads, secure plastic temple tips, and a 132mm internal width suitable for average to compact faces. Includes a hard case and cleaning cloth. Certified in the Russian Federation. 1-year manufacturer’s warranty. Safilo Italy. Perfect for any prescription, including high diopters and astigmatism.