Title: Pidjom Dorje Chen Tibetan Herbal Powder (30g)
Pidjom Dorje Chen, a traditional Tibetan herbal formula, offers a comprehensive approach to wellness. Based on ancient Surkharba wisdom, it addresses a wide range of conditions, including digestive issues like constipation and urinary retention. This slightly cooling formula is traditionally used to treat both hot and cold joint diseases, uterine conditions (“blood scrofula,” “dangerous blood”), and hemorrhoids. It’s also believed to address a vast spectrum of ailments, including certain types of cancers (rectum, prostate, and other organs). This 30g powder provides a one-month supply. Always consult a qualified practitioner of Traditional Tibetan Medicine before use. Expiry date: 2025. Made in Tibet. Tibetan Name: Pidjom.
Pidjom Dorje Chen, Tibetan herbal powder, Tibetan medicine, Traditional Tibetan Medicine, Surkharba, herbal remedy, constipation, urinary retention, joint pain, arthritis, uterine conditions, hemorrhoids, cancer treatment, prostate cancer, rectal cancer, 30g, natural remedy, holistic health, Tibet, Pidjom.