Pepidol PEG 5%, 100ml: Natural Liquid Sorbent for Alcohol Intoxication & Detoxification
Pepidol, a pectin-based enterosorbent, offers effective detoxification from alcohol poisoning. Its unique mechanism irreversibly binds toxins, heavy metals, and radionuclides, preventing their absorption into the bloodstream. Unlike other sorbents, Pepidol forms gels in the gastrointestinal tract, trapping harmful substances and protecting the mucous membranes from irritation. It promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria while exhibiting bactericidal effects against harmful pathogens. Furthermore, Pepidol regulates bowel function, relieving both constipation and diarrhea, ensuring efficient toxin elimination and nutrient absorption. Its ability to bind bile acids contributes to a hypocholesterolemic effect, supporting overall health. Pepidol offers a natural and effective solution for alcohol intoxication and overall detoxification.