Title: Ecoten OVO-445 Pelvic Support Panty: Post-Surgery, Postpartum & Cesarean Recovery
The Ecoten OVO-445 Pelvic Support Panty provides gentle yet effective support for pelvic organ prolapse, post-surgical recovery (including Cesarean section), and postpartum rehabilitation. This comfortable panty features:
- High-quality, breathable cotton blend fabric: Ensures all-day comfort and allows for proper ventilation.
- Removable crotch panel: Facilitates hygiene and ease of use.
- Targeted compression: Strategically placed panels offer support to the abdomen and groin areas.
- Hook-and-loop closure: Allows for adjustable compression and a customized fit.
- Available in beige and black: Blends seamlessly under clothing.
- Pelvic organ prolapse and uterine prolapse
- Post-surgical recovery (gynecological surgeries)
- Post-Cesarean section recovery
- Postpartum support
Important Note:
Consult your physician before use. While there are no absolute contraindications, individuals with portal hypertension, existing skin conditions (contact dermatitis, trophic ulcers, pressure sores) in the application area, or allergies to the product materials should seek medical advice before use.