Title: Panasonic EW1313 Water Flosser: Powerful Cleaning for Healthy Gums
Description: The Panasonic EW1313 water flosser is a versatile oral irrigator designed for individuals with various dental restorations, including braces, dentures, implants, and veneers. Its micro-bubble technology delivers a pulsating water stream (up to 1400 pulses per minute) for gentle gum massage and oxygenation. Experience powerful cleaning with a maximum pressure of 590 kPa, yet enjoy a gentle “Soft” mode (200 kPa). The EW1313 includes two nozzles: a standard nozzle and the specialized WEW0984W303 nozzle featuring dense, single-tuft bristles. This unique nozzle combines the benefits of a traditional water flosser with a targeted conical brush, effectively cleaning tight interdental spaces and the gum line. Three operating modes (“Jet,” “Standard,” and “Soft”) cater to individual needs. Rechargeable via the included charging base, this portable and powerful water flosser is ideal for home and travel use, replacing a multitude of oral hygiene tools.