Title: Pair of Detachable Knee Support Braces with Spring Supports
Description: OrtoMag’s universal knee brace provides superior support and protection for injury recovery and prevention. Featuring TWO SIDE SPRINGS, this athletic knee support firmly stabilizes the kneecap. Adjustable elastic straps with hook-and-loop closures ensure a customized fit, while a silicone ring cushions and protects against meniscus injuries. The compression effect reduces pain and alleviates stress on the knee joint. Three secure straps guarantee a reliable hold. The universal size makes it ideal as a medical-grade knee brace for rehabilitation after injuries, arthritis, and osteoarthritis, or as a supportive elastic bandage. A perfect gift for athletes and active individuals, it’s suitable for football, running, cycling, volleyball, basketball, fitness, CrossFit, wrestling, and dance. Hand-wash in warm water.