Title: Ottobock Manu Immobil Long 50P11 Wrist Brace, Size L
The Ottobock Manu Immobil Long 50P11 wrist brace (size L) provides superior support and immobilization for wrist and hand injuries. This lightweight, full-length splint features a comfortable, breathable SpaceTex® lining and a malleable inner splint for customizable support. Securely fastened with hook-and-loop closures, it offers reliable immobilization in a physiologically beneficial position.
This wrist brace is ideal for a variety of conditions, including:
- Wrist and carpal pain (arthralgia, arthritis, osteoarthritis)
- Wrist and carpometacarpal joint sprains and dislocations
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Post-surgical rehabilitation (wrist and carpometacarpal joints)
- Fractures of the wrist bones
- Tendon and ligament injuries and inflammation
- Wrist extensor muscle paresis
- Immobilizes the wrist and carpometacarpal joints
- Customizable fit via malleable inner splint
- Reduces inflammation and promotes healing
- Alleviates pain
- Prevents deformities and contractures
- Lightweight and breathable design for all-day comfort
- Anatomically shaped splint made from lightweight, breathable foam.
- Malleable inner metal splint for precise immobilization.
- Removable, breathable SpaceTex® lining with a 3D honeycomb structure for comfort and easy cleaning.
- Secure closure with hook-and-loop straps.
Note: Consult your physician before using this product.