Title: Ottobock Dyna Ankle 50S1 Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) – Left, Size 35-37
The Ottobock Dyna Ankle 50S1 ankle foot orthosis (AFO) provides superior stabilization and support for the left ankle and foot (size 35-37). This dynamic orthosis promotes functional positioning, aiding recovery from a variety of conditions.
- Ankle ligament sprains and tears (particularly anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments).
- Post-operative rehabilitation following ankle surgery (ligament reconstruction, arthroplasty, etc.).
- Chronic ankle instability when surgery is contraindicated.
- Foot drop (in specific cases: for low-activity patients or as a night splint).
Consult your physician before use.
Mechanism of Action:
The orthosis gently positions the foot in moderate pronation and slight dorsiflexion. The degree of dorsiflexion and pronation is dynamically adjustable via an elastic strap supporting the lateral foot.
- A plastic dorsomedial splint secured with three hook-and-loop straps and an angled elastic strap.
- The plantar portion extends to the metatarsal heads, leaving the toes free.
- The unique design avoids contact with the lateral malleolus, making it suitable for acute injuries.
- Allows for physical therapy applications (hot/cold packs) while worn.
- Comfortable for nighttime use; can be worn with or without shoes.
- Easy to use and clean.
Ottobock, Dyna Ankle 50S1, ankle foot orthosis, AFO, ankle brace, ankle support, ligament sprain, ankle injury, post-operative rehabilitation, foot drop, chronic ankle instability, left ankle brace, size 35-37, orthopedic brace, medical brace, ankle stabilization.