Title: Dorsa Carezza Posture Ottobock 50R49 Orthotic Recliner: Back Support Brace for Men & Women (XXS)
The Ottobock Dorsa Carezza Posture 50R49 orthotic recliner provides gentle yet effective back support and posture correction. Ideal for individuals experiencing:
- Postural deviations: Kyphosis, kyphoscoliosis, and other spinal curvatures.
- Back pain: Osteochondrosis, Scheuermann’s disease, and other degenerative spinal conditions.
- Post-surgical or post-traumatic rehabilitation: Following injuries or surgeries to the thoracic spine.
- General posture improvement: For those seeking to improve their posture and prevent future back problems.
How it Works:
This back brace promotes active reclination (straightening) of the thoracic spine. It provides “disciplinary” support without causing muscle atrophy, encouraging the development of correct posture habits. The brace maintains the spine in a physiological position, normalizes muscle tone, and enhances proprioception (body awareness) for improved stability. Pain relief is a significant benefit.
Key Features:
- Comfortable and Discreet Design: Lightweight and easily worn under clothing.
- Secure Fit: Two elastic spring inserts ensure a snug and supportive fit.
- Durable Closure: Strong, long-lasting Velcro closure for easy application and adjustment.
- Breathable and Hypoallergenic Material: Made with Micro-Soft® fabric for all-day comfort, breathability, and moisture-wicking properties. This material also adds resilience to the underarm straps, preventing twisting and chafing.
Consult your physician before use. Available in XXS.
Ottobock, Dorsa Carezza Posture, 50R49, orthotic recliner, back brace, posture corrector, spinal support, kyphosis brace, kyphoscoliosis brace, Scheuermann’s disease, back pain relief, posture improvement, men’s back brace, women’s back brace, breathable back brace, comfortable back brace, XXS back brace, posture support, thoracic spine support, spinal brace, rehabilitation brace, post-surgery back brace, post-injury back brace, Micro-Soft® fabric.