Title: Otto Bock 15° Omo Immobil Sling Abduction 50A9 Shoulder Orthosis
English Description:
The Otto Bock 15° Omo Immobil Sling Abduction 50A9 shoulder orthosis provides superior immobilization of the upper extremity, offering significant pain relief and promoting healing. This lightweight, versatile orthosis is designed to secure the arm to the torso, effectively unloading the shoulder joint. Ideal for post-operative and post-traumatic rehabilitation, it’s particularly beneficial following injuries to the forearm, bones, ligaments, tendons, and soft tissues of the shoulder and shoulder girdle.
Key Features:
- Easy Application and Removal: A simple, user-friendly fastening system allows for quick and effortless application and removal.
- Lightweight and Versatile: Designed for ambidextrous use, minimizing bulk and maximizing comfort.
- Customizable Fit: Adjustable shoulder and waist straps, along with a repositionable forearm strap, ensure a personalized and secure fit.
- 15° Abduction Support: The integrated abduction pad (model 50A9) provides optimal support and positioning.
- Breathable Material: Soft, breathable fabric promotes air circulation and prevents overheating for enhanced comfort.
The Otto Bock 15° Omo Immobil Sling Abduction 50A9 is indicated for immobilization of the shoulder in 15° abduction and internal rotation, specifically for:
- Post-traumatic Immobilization: Following injuries involving bone fractures, ligament tears, tendon damage, and soft tissue trauma to the shoulder girdle, shoulder, and acromioclavicular joint (e.g., posterior shoulder dislocation, biceps tendon rupture).
- Post-operative Immobilization: After surgical procedures on the shoulder, including rotator cuff repair.
- Management of Inflammatory and Degenerative Conditions: Provides support for conditions such as subacromial impingement syndrome and chronic bursitis.
Mechanism of Action:
This shoulder orthosis securely immobilizes the upper extremity with the forearm flexed and the shoulder in internal rotation.
Important Note:
Consult your physician before using this product.
SEO Keywords:
Otto Bock, 50A9, shoulder orthosis, shoulder immobilizer, arm sling, abduction support, shoulder injury, rotator cuff repair, post-operative care, post-traumatic care, shoulder pain, subacromial impingement, bursitis, lightweight, adjustable, breathable, comfortable, immobilization, internal rotation, medical device, orthopedic brace.