Title: ORTO PROFESSIONAL RWA 4100: Reinforced Lumbar-Sacral Support with Adjustable Stays
The ORTO PROFESSIONAL RWA 4100 lumbar-sacral support provides effective orthosis for the lower thoracic and lumbar-sacral spine. Constructed from a firm, non-stretch material, its width adjusts to size. Secure and comfortable fitting is achieved through the use of a three-dimensional, elastic, high-volume weave. Ergonomic design and superior stabilization are ensured by central fastening straps and fixation elements along the midline. Reinforcement is provided by steel plates with soft plastic end caps (quantity varies by size).
Indicated for: post-operative and post-traumatic rehabilitation of the lumbar-sacral spine; moderate pain; spondylitis; osteoporosis; osteochondropathy; hypermobility, instability, and moderate vertebral displacement; spondylolisthesis; osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis of the intervertebral joints; and protrusions and herniations of intervertebral discs with pain and/or neurological complications.
Available sizes/waist circumference (cm): XXS (50-60), XS (60-75), S (70-85), M (80-95), L (90-105), XL (100-115), XXL (110-125). Height: 30 cm.